Thursday, March 19, 2009


We just bought our plane tickets for St. Croix. We will officially be leaving on May 4th! Exciting yet Renita and I are torn because of friends and family so we would appreciate your prayers as we step out! Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting Ready to Leave

So its about 50 days till we head down for training and it is getting super busy. We are so excited for what lies ahead of us as long as we continue to keep our eyes on Jesus. As soon as we look at the task ahead through our own eyes its like... wait i never did this before, Renita hasnt done this before, theres not even buildings there yet? With God ALL things are possible. Our Missionsary Support Team and our families have been and still are extremely strong encouragers for us to walk in faith with what the Lord is asking of us. So we getting ready to step out of the boat and pray that our eyes remain on Jesus!!!