Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Building in the caribbean

If you would have interest in helping build the base in Mayreau we are having a meeting on the 21st at ACTS Covenant Fellowship at 7pm. There we will talk about how you can get involved. Anything from donating materials for the container to helping on a work trip planned for july of 2010. Thanks. Any questions e-mail us at thelapps@hotmail.com.

Proclaim God's Kingdom

We are so excited to see what the Lord is going to do through us as we go. We have already been so blessed by all of you with the way you have encouraged us and your commitment to praying for us. We want to continue to update you with things that you can pray for.
Please pray for Renita and I at this time before we leave. There are many mixed feelings that we are experiencing. Feelings of nervousness from the thought of missing friends and familiy as we plan for four years or more away from home. Please pray that we keep each other first in our lives as we pack and get ready to go. We will miss home a lot and all our friends and familiy so please pray against depression and pray that God's spirit will rest on us and proclaim over us that this mission is right where God wants us to be.
I have been learning to proclaim the truths of the bible. I think when we proclaim the word it is like an authoratative prayer. I think it may be key in the days ahead.
And I believe the Lord is ten times more passionate for these kids than Renita and I could ever be. So proclaim with Renita and I that the Lord will do a great work through us as we go in faith. God will not be silenced by the enemy! He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Jesus has paid the price and Renita and I are moving in Gods Grace. Believe that what you pray brings heaven to earth! -Matthew 6:10
"We are the salt of the earth... The light of the world" - Jesus (Matthew 5)
Lets change the world with faith filled prayers!
not just for us either pray in faith for whatever the Lord puts on your heart!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Thank you to everyone who came to the fundraiser or helped out with donating things! The total for the evening was a little over $14,000. Praise God!! That means we have just enough to cover our first years budget! Renita and I cannot thank everyone enough for all your encouragement and support to us!

Thanks to all the donors who gave to the auction!!! We couldnt have done it with out all of you!!
The auction alone brought $9,600!! Praise God!