Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2nd day of outreach!

Hey everybody,
Wow it was good to be home and it sure went fast. It was awesome to be home and see friends and family and just spend Christmas at home. It was a very busy yet refreshing week. Renita and I feel charged up and ready for outreach. Thank you to all of you who shared Christmas greetings with us and sorry to the many we did not get to see, especially the body at ACTS. We look forward to seeing evreryone in mid march when we are home for break.
Outreach has officially started! We just wanted to let you all know that our team and Renita and I made it safely to Kingston by Bus. We are staying at Danya Hess's (our other staff person) parents house even though its a bit crowded, it is sweet! Our view looks out over the City of Kingston which makes up 1/3rd of the population in Jamaica. Propery we feel placed to stand interceding for what the Lord wants to do in Jamaica.
Today we went out to minister just down the road from where we are staying. We held an open air worship session and we got to talk with people and just bless them and chill with them. Super Awesome! We have a lot planned for the week ahead so continue to keep us in your prayers as we move forward into what God is doing in Kingston, Jamaica. We will be ministering in churches, youth groups, schools and lots of prayer walking through town. We will also continue to do open air worship tmes in key spots in Kingston.
Please pray for us as outreach leaders that we would lead with wisdom and really care for the team and be lead by the Spirit and for our marriages. The leaders are John and Danya Hess and Renita and I.
Also pray for the students - Annina Bernhard, Stephanie Tronson, Shawn Milton, and Matt Cassel - that they would hear clearly from the Lord and walk in obedience. Our group is awesome! The students rock and their hunger for God is a really fun thing to walk beside! We appreciate your prayers!
May the Lord bless you and keep you

Friday, December 11, 2009

God's Grace is Sufficient!

Wow so the last three weeks were by far the busiest weeks of the DTS thus far. We had Thanksgiving, Go Broncos! It was a great dinner we had turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes rolls, just like a nice normal Thanksgiving meal except for the 85 degree weather, shorts, t-shirt, sandals oh yeah. It was real fun! But we definitely missed home. We did also go around and share some things that we were all thankful for which was awesome!!

As for the DTS, the school has been very good we had three different topics taught in the last three weeks; The Father/Family/Mother heart of God, Spiritual Warfare, and The King and His Kingdom wich included Discipling Nations and People Groups. The Speakers were great and the class really enjoyed them.

We are sadened to say that we did have a student go home that I(Josh) poured a lot of time into into. Please pray for him. He really struggled through the school and he just decided that enough was enough and he chose to try to run from his problems. So please pray for him, his name is Jordan. This was hard on everybody so pray for the other students and staff as well. We were all rooting for him!

We did a couple other things outside of the DTS. We had a pastors prayer breakfast which was totally awesome. We hosted about 30 different pastors from different parts of Jamaica and just shared our vision as YWAM Jamaica and internationally. We got to share our vision of St. Vincent and Mayreau being discipled as well, which was really cool. It was a lot of fun to be a part of small steps of uniting the church of Jamaica for Jesus! We also did quite a number of various different outreach's hear in Montego Bay. We did get to serve by doing some demolition for a christian deaf school and we also got to go to nearby church and give the service. We look forward to doingg another church service at another church this upcoming weekend. Its awesome!!

We also got to baptize one of our students on the DTS, Silvia Moser, a 27 year old from Switzerland. Renita has worked very closely with her being her small group leader and Silvia asked Renita if we would baptize her, so we got the honor and priveledge to be apart of that big decision in her life. Honestly it floored us to be apart of that. We will never forget it!

Outreach is also coming together for Kingston Jamaica and St. Vincent and Mayreau. Please continue to pray for the Lord to really pave the road for us as we go to minister. Outreach starts on the 28th of December. Sounds like we will be working with the schools in St. Vincent and Mayreau in Devotion times in the morning and also evening services at different churches and kids events. We have a couple contacts that we will be working with when we get there so we are super excited as a team! We will also be doing a lot of servant ministry like just cleaning streets offering our services to random people and hopefully having their hearts softened and doors will be opened in sharing the Love of jesus with people.

Praise: The Lord has asked one of the DTS Students -Shawn Milton- to help pioneer YWAM SVG with us. He is an awesome 24 year old Jamaican. Please be in prayer for him as he tries to raise finances. If anyone is interested in supporting him just e-mail me.

Woohoo! We are coming home in 7 days! We are really looking forward to spending Christmas with family and friends. We will be attending Weaverland Mennonites 1st service on the 20th and we will be speaking at ACTS Covenant Felloship's service the same day. We look forward to seeing a lot of you guys there!

Thanks again for all your prayers. Trust me Renita and I really feel like the last three weeks we have been carried because we know that we would not have been able to do all that we did with out His grace and your prayers.