Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pictures from St. Vincent

St. Vincent

Hello everyone,

Renita and I arrived in St. Vincent Jan. 9th and we have had a full week already gone by here. We have had a board meeting and we are also working on setting things up for our outreach team that arrives on the 19th in St. Vincent. We did some speaking in churches and schools as well which was very faith stirring to see the faces that Renita and I will be living with in the next 5 months.
This morning we are headed to Mayreau to do some further examination of the island and what will be possible with work teams and shipping containers.
This week has been very good for us as a board. We have been able to figure a lot of things out with the help of Renita's parents (Ron and Erma Weaver) and also Wes and Renae Nolt. The board here is being spearheaded by Norm and Donna Chubb and also Bill Landis. We really want to thank those who have been praying. Trust me the Lord is opening doors for us that we werent sure would open.
It has also been a decently relaxing week were Renita and I can sleep in a bit. We are staying in a decent hotel and praise the Lord we have air conditinoing in our rooms!! We are about 50 steps from the ocean line so its been nice to get out there twice in the last week for a bit and relax.
Continue to keep us in your prayers!
Also PLEASE PLEASE be in prayer for Haiti. The Caribbean Nation has had an earthquake in its Capital city "Port of Prince" and there are possible 100,000 people dead. This nation was just getting its feet back from a hurricane that hit about 2 years ago. Please lift this nation before the Lord. We have 2 YWAM bases there that were not hit and are starting relief work. Thank You for your prayers!
Blessings to All!