Renita and I are still in St. Vincent and the last three weeks have been so full and internet was scarce. We now moved into apts. that have wireless, hallelujah! We are only on St. Vincent another 5 days but we as a team are looking forward to an awesome time of debriefing and just giving God thanks for what he did through us and in us personally and corporately as a team.
To give a quick summary of what we have done in the last four weeks: On the 18th of January our outreach team arrived and we went right to Chateaubelair on mainland St. Vincent. We stayed there unitl the 1st of February. Our time there was for a lack of better words incredible! We got to see God move mightily in the small town of "Chato." We had many open air services where we brought a different flavor to this towns normal "crusade". We partnered with the local church and had open air worship sessions that lead us to walk thorugh the streets with about 60 people from the town. We put on dramas and did lots of really fun stuff in the town. Futball(Soccer) was the main sport in the town so a couple of us would go and play with the locals a couple times a week just to build relationships. Our overall time there i would say was really valuable for the reason of inspiring some youth there to seek more than the norm. We had youth meetings and had people over to our house. It was just really fun as i look back on it how we demonstrated Gods Love in a new way to the town of Chateaubelair!
On the 1st of February we headed for Mayreau! In Mayreau we really connected with the locals at a heart level. We learned a lot as a team there as we were stretched out of our comfort zones by staying in tents and eating different foods and just adjusting to the slow life on Mayreau. We had some really awesome prayer times in Mayreau including the time when we woke up at 12 am and didnt get back into bed until 2 am. It was so awesome! We could feel Gods passion and heart burning for the locals. We worked with mostly kids on Mayreau and it was a real joy!
On the 9th we came back to mainland St. Vincent and stayed in Anisville up until ye
We are currently on our time of outreach where we debrief as a team and just give lots of time to praising God and reflectng on what he did thorugh us personally and corporately as a team on outreach.
On the 18th we fly back to Jamaica and finish up the school on the 26th. We plan on staying another week and a half in Jamaica after the school ends to bring closure to our time there before coming home.
As the Lord brings us to your mind your prayers are appreciated! We thank all of you who are giving finacnially to us and are giving of your time in praying for us. Renita and I cannot say thank you enough!