Well Renita and I arrived home on the 10th, had to saty an extra night in Miami but we made it. We are so excited to be back home spending time with WMC and ACTS and family and friends! We look forward to seeing many of you in the 2 months that were home.
We are currently working on quite a bit of stuff with setting up building teams that are coming down in June and July of this year to hopefully build the house that Renita and I will live in and we are also working on organizing the container that is to go down for that team to SVG so you can be in prayer for that!
And we will also be having our team member Annie Bobb who will be pioneering with us in St. Vincent and Mayreau coming up to stay with us for the first two weeks in April so we are looking forward to that as well!
Currently we are taking the next three days, just Renita and I, to go before the Lord and just hear his heart away from life so to speak... so we are looking forward to that. And we just want to continue to thank all of our supporters, finacial and also those who pray for us, we appreciate it more than you know and Renita and I feel so blessed to be doing what we are doing! When we come home it is a humbling thing to realize how blessed we really are with the families that are not only strong Christian supportive families but they are really getting involved in what we are doing and the Missionary support Team that i would say the Lord blessed us with and also the friends that are so excited for us and continue to encourage us in the things that might seem crazy to others. So thank you to those who are constantly being an encouragement to Renita and I. It means the world to us!