(Picture of our Prayer and Dedication day)
The community wakes at about 5:30 with the sun here in Mayreau, you get up and do your work as early as you can while its still in the seventies. Work can include doing your laundry: washing by hand trying to save as much water as you can since Mayreau runs off of rain water or going and digging footers for houses etc. After that take a half hour to be with the Lord while watching the incoming sailboats make their way to beautiful Mayreau.
90 degree temperatures start to creep in, chicken/fish, rice and breadfruit normally for lunch. Normally at this time during the day you don't go where you cant find shade. Its so hot even in our house its hard to be working. So you try to take a nap in your already sweat soaked clothing.
The School on Mayreau lets out at about 3 pm so normally we will have kids rush to our house to see what we are doing. Renita twice a week carries a bible study with the young girls here.

(Renita having Bible Studies with Ranesha on Mayreau)
The evenings are filled with lots of bible studies, the whole community on Mayreau is so hungry for the Real Jesus. Renita and I will occasionally take a walk to the top ofour hill to stare at the amazingly unpolluted starry host or walk down to "Canash" one of the local beaches on Mayreau.
Night times are usually filled with loud reggae music on the island and if we walk through the village you will see lots of rum and marijuana. Sex is blared on the radios and you can see into peoples eyes that there is something more than physical inthe atmosphere. Mayreau carries a large witchcraft spirit that is currently being rooted out. The islanders know about it but are afraid of it.
Mayreau got its name from the french who came and settled on it... "May" means "My" in english... and "reau" in english means "domain" So the english meaning of Mayrea
u is "My domain". Little does anyone know here, "The earth is the Lords and the fullness there of." We came to be set captives free here in Mayreau and God is doing just that.
Josh and Renita here. Hopefully you can maybe now see where we are from a different perspective. Mayreau is a beautiful island and the people here is what makes it that way. The community is so hungry for God. For the real Jesus. And we pray that they will see Him through us.
We are currently establishing a Youth With A Mission campus in the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Mayreau is one of the grenadine islands. Mayreau is not its
own nation but is apart of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We moved here about a month ago. It is about a four hour ferry ride from Mainland St. Vincent to Mayreau.

(Josh speaking at a local church in Mainland St. Vincent)
So most of our last month has been spending time building relationships with the islanders of Mayreau. We have been up to mainland two times already and currently weare there now. To set up a base is not the easiest. We had to go through the details of setting up banking here, setting up accounts at different grocery and hardware stores, setting up a place for us to live in Mayreau, getting internet and phone to that spot, etc.
We also came up to mainland St. Vincent on the 15th because we had a meeting with the Prime Minister and his Cabinet on the 16th. God and His merciful hand granted us unbelievable favor as we met with the P.M. So by the grace of God we were granted duty free concession for all of our things we ship here. They even expressed interest in helping see this project of YWAM SVG come forth. God is so good.
Our container and truck with goods shipped in about thursday this week from PA. We are hoping to carry these things down on a barge in the next week. We need to pray
that customs does'nt hold anything up and also for the right barge to come along that we may use to carry our items to Mayreau.
Ron Weaver(renita's dad) and Joey Hartranft (Josh's brother-in-law) are coming on the 21st to help with the process of getting the container and truck down to Mayreau. We need to pray for them as well as they come in.
( Picture of us with the Prime Minister)
We are building our first house in Mayreau. Work teams are coming in about a month to help with that process. We thank you for your continual prayer support concerning these things.
Renita and I are personally doing very well. We feel the weight of setting all this up but on the same hand we feel God's grace in ways never before. I personally don't think that we would be able to do what we are doing with out it. Renita has really taken charge with setting up and maintaining our accounting for the base. We have two others here working with us. Shawn Milton from Jamaica and Annie Bobb from St. Vincent. So we do appreciate your prayers and support. We hope you are blessed as you go through your day. Remember the children on Mayreau!