Monday, September 13, 2010

Transition into God

The Last month has been very busy for Renita and I with all the building/work teams and relationship building in Mayreau we began to feel the weight of being Directors. Thank God He is always there to carry it.

We were able to have almost everything on the house finished on the one side prior to our leaving for Pa on September 1st. We hope to be moving in by the end of october which will help us greatly since our rent on Mayreau is quite steep. Getting into the house will also help us get started in preparing for long term visions, which we couldn't necessarily start since we were in a temporary location. We will now be able to start preparing for camps in 2011, starting a garden, and making Mayreau feel more like home. We again just want to say a huge thanks to God and those who volunteered their time and money to come and build our first staff house! God is so Good!

For now we are excited to be back in PA right now. Yes, we are home in Pa for
about a month. Renita was in her cousins wedding on the 18th and we decided to take advantage of our trip home and spend our anniversary, Sept. 6, up at Renita's parents cabin which was so refreshing for us after 4 months of a very busy schedule.

We are working on getting some things together while we are home and also visiting family and friends which is always recharging for us. We have decided to send down a container full of Renita and I's personal belongings as well as some basic furniture and miscellaneous appliances.

We are looking forward to going back on october 7th and starting afresh as the Lord continues to increase our desire to see His Vision for YWAM SVG come to pass which is to mobilize, restore and disciple this generation... and that is where we start. As we pioneer sometimes Renita and I look at each other and think "What are we even doing?" because we're not seeing to much fruit right now, but we realize that we are laying foundations for t
he next 10, 15, and 50 years so that there will be an abundant harvest in the nation of SVG and the surrounding islands and the world. So pray that we would continue to keep our eyes on Jesus and not necessarily on "what we see". We believe deep in our spirits that God has called us for such a time as this as Youth With a Mission Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is pioneered.

There are two others working with us with YWAM SVG and they are Shawn Milton, a jamaican who is currently back home raising funds as he prays about a 5 year commitment to YWAM SVG and Annie Bobb, a Vincentian who is our Mobilizing Director for the base. If you would be interested in supporting either of these two or have questions on how much they are in need of please contact us by e-mail (

Thank you for your continual support and prayers... we feel them greatly! If you would like to see more pictures of the building check out our base website at