Wow, so about 7 months later i figure i betterupdate our blog... its been a busy 7 months what can i say.
Well a lot has happened in the last couple months. We as a team have been growi
ng into a lot of the shoes that needed to be grown into as far as running a YWAM campus is concerned and we are also realizing that there are more shoes than there are staff so it has been fun and challenging at the same time.
We are moved into our staff house and are working on finishing touches. Thanks to lots of work teams Renita and I just about have our own little two bedroom apartment which has been a hu
ge relief for us as the last ten months have been super good and stretching with our living arrangements.
We were also able to construct a small cabin for camp and are starting the second one currently.
We have been working hard at misc. ministry opportunities such as our weekly Kingdom Seekers Kids ministry as well as mobilizing trips up to St. Vincent, speaking at churches and Youth Groups, Guys tuesday night bible study on Mayreau, the community church in Mayreau and other random things.
Just to let you all know to keep praying for three newly saved men on our little three mile island called Mayreau. Lemore - 21 - just gave up a life addicted to anger, marijuana, alcohol and many other things and gave his life to God. Devon - 20 - recently gave his life to Christ but is not doing well in his faith, seems to be that giving everything up to God for him has been a challenge. Fitzalan - 35 - gave his life to God about 6 months ago. He was a serious Alcoholic and he has been totally clean for like i thin
k 4 months now. He desires to work in the ministry. Is a little shy and timid.
These are my three best friends i would say in
Mayreau besides the team. It is quite enjoyable for us to hang out with these fellows.
Renita is enjoying accounting and is really pouring herself into the children of Mayreau right now. We are hosting whats called "GospelFest" for the first time in Mayreau so she is helping lead a choir for adults, kids and is helping with a children's dance and recital.
I think we need a vacation on some remote island or something... j/k wow its getting late. Well i just thought i would send out something small to all of you and i pray that you are blessed and encouraged by the work that God is doing around the world and specifical

ly Mayreau.