Thursday, May 17, 2012

A night out with the leaders at Ruby Tuesdays!
We are in the airport again with a 1 and 1/2 hour delay waiting to fly back home to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.  So with the time i thought i could update the blog.

We had a great time here in Trinidad and Tobago meeting with the regional leaders.  We took a lot of time to just share with one another whats really going on in the ministry and also whats going on in our hearts. Its always nice for Renita and I because we are fairly new to pioneering and mostly all the leaders have pioneered or still are so its encouraging to be around familiar situations.

Our Ghetto coffee maker
We got a lot of updates from YWAM International which was really good.  They are really talking about how we so easily can go astray and not really dig in as a community campus.  Especially how the "Nature and Character of God" is not being taught as it used to be in different nations and YWAM locations.  It hit us to the core.  There was also a lot of talk about updating and re-amping our Discipleship Training schools (DTS) within the region and that was great for us since we are leading our first DTS starting March 2013.

The Regional Leaders blessing the YWAM Trinidad and Tobago Campus

Dave Harper(good friend) updating us on the International DTS Center

Sarah, Anna and Lydia, the three daughters of Shamus and Sherri with Renita

Blessing Shamus and Family as they take on directing YWAM Trinidad and Tobago

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13 - Traveling again...

Renita teaching music class at the Mayreau Government school

Finishing up the tile in the house.

This past week we were able to finish all the tile in our second staff house which was great and we are hoping to get electric and finish the interior by June when we will be having our annual board meeting there.  We are still in need of money to buy our transformer and material for plastering the outside of the house and the 30,000 gallon cistern that will work as our water reservoir.  We are hoping we could get this all finished by mid to late August.

Our tomato garden is finally starting to ripen
Well we are off to a week of meetings in Trinidad where we are having our annual Regional Meetings with the southeast caribbean YWAM bases.  This is our first time in Trinidad and Tobago so we are excited to go to a new country and also see the base there.  It is always a good time for us to be with seasoned leaders and get closer to them as we continue to see our region serve God.  We leave T&T on thursday and will spend a night in St. Vincent and then Friday afternoon we will take the ferry to Mayreau after a day of shopping in town.

A day off grilling at the beach with friends.
Pray for protection for our campus as we are away and also for our staff Annie who is in St. Vincent needing healing from fibroids and also Shawn who is in Puerto Rico receiving training with YWAM.  We did hear from Shawn and he is getting major breakthrough in his heart and ministry which is so exciting to hear.  So continue to pray into that with us.