Well we are here in Mayreau. Much has happened in the last ten days since we left home.
We had a YWAM Regional Leadership meeting in Barbados from the 17th to the 19th and it went very well. We were encouraged and we were also able to encourage others.
We flew into St. Vincent on the 20th and ferried down to Mayreau on the same day. The following day we spent from 6:30 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon prayer walking around our property on Mayreau dedicating the land to the Lord. We pounded stakes in with the fruit of the spirit written on them and we would stop and take communion at different spots. We also would symbloize cleansing of the land and annointing of the land by sprinkling water and olive oil on the different boundary markers around our cactus and thorn infested property. I think i sweated a pound or two that day. haha.
Praise the Lord there was a house that opened up for rent for Shawn, Annie, Renita and I. Its a real blessing right now. We do have water by rainfall. We have about 1,000 gallons right now so please continue to pray fo rain to fall on Mayreau. It is a nice three bedroom house. This really was a testimony for us of how the Lord provides. Renita and I came with a tent and a camp stove in our luggage beacuse we were not sure whether a house would open up for rent or not. Praise God he is our Provider!
We also got to speak in the church here on Sunday which was awesome! We each shared a little bit and we really felt the excitement of the church. The Lord is moving!
We tried fishing last night for our dinner. Unfortunately we only caught three fish and only one was really big enough to really eat. We still very much enjoyed our evening.
There is a lot going on right now on the mainland concerning our shipment of the container and truck for the building project so we appreciate your prayers for the details to be sorted out with the government officials concerning it.
Renita and I are doing great. The Lord is greatly encouraging us in this time. Continue to lift us up in your time with the Lord as it is greatly appreciated. We love being here in Mayreau and we are so blessed to see with our eyes how the Lord is so greatly moving in Mayreau!!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
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