This past two months being home went by so fast and yet were so meaningful and refueling. Seeing family and friends has been very meaningful for Renita and I.
We did get a lot accomplished while we were home. As many of you know Renita and I are moving to Mayreau in 4 days and with that comes a decent amount of work like building our house and having to get all of our supplies there. We do have a building committee team that has really helped Renita and I with the building of the base. Ron Weaver aka Papa Weaver has really given a lot of his time to helping us get a container loaded and ready for shipping as well as a truck. We have really worked hard the last two months with all of this and with Gods grace those two items will arrive on Mayreau in a month and we will be able to unload and focus on setting things up for our work teams in July and august.
Well since we have been home we also have been able to do things like set up a YWAM St. Vincent and the grenadines website, this doesnt mean that the site is functioning yet but we are slowly chipping away at that. We also got the accounting set up for the base and Renita is being mentored on how to run quick books. We as a ministry team (Bill and Val Landis, Annie Bobb and us) sat down for a couple days and sought the Lord for more vision and direction which lead to creating our Vision Statement, objectives and goals for the next five years as a mission. This was so helpful for us as we can now more clearly see what God is trying to do with YWAM SVG.
The next step is leadership meetings in Barbados for 4 days (may 16th-20th) and then we have a prayer and dedication time on site in Mayreau. And then from there on out we are putting our hand to the plow i guess you could say in lots of different ways. Our primary objective this year is to really focus on building relationships in Mayreau's small 250 person community with which includes aout 50-60 kids under 15. We are also going to be building our first staff house in July and August of this year and we are thinking about sending another team down in the winter of 2011 depending manpower and resources. So we really appreciate your prayers. There is a lot going on and sometimes if i really step back and think about all that is really going on i have to look up and say "Lord this is Yours because you know i cant in myself" So please be encouraged that The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob is alive and moving in the earth. His heart is to set the captives free so pray that just that will happen. His Kingdom Come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven is what i think Jesus told his disciples to pray. Thank you for following us on our blogsite. Any e-mails or words for us just e-mail us at Be blessed!
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